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Union Hospital Information
Maps, MTR/Bus Direction, Flower Wreath Orders, Service Hall Lookup

Union Hospital Information

Union Hospital is located in Tai Wai, Sha Tin, New Territories. Developed by the Henderson Group, it started servicing since 22 June 1994. Its the newest private hospital with 7-storey with 3 floors as medical centre and 4 ward floors which accommodate 200 beds.

In 2006, 4 new floors were constructed atop the existing building. An extra 107 beds and more new facilities are provided, offering a comprehensive services.

At present, the hospital mainly provide obstetrics, minimally invasive surgery, ophthalmology and other specialty services and a total of 410 beds. Other facilities include a nursing school, plastic and aesthentic centre, emergency clinics and so on.

Visiting hours for department of obstetrics and gynaecology:
7am - 9pm

Address: 18 Fu Kin Street, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T.

Union Hospital Telephone: 2608 3388

Funeral Wreath Ordering Telephone: 2736 6670

Union Hospital Most ordered funeral flower basket (last 30 days)

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Union Hospital Map

Union Hospital Map
Union Hospital How to reach by MTR

Interchange Union Hospital shuttle bus from exit B, Tai Wai Station; or
interchange mini-bus 68K from Exit A1/B, Sha Tin Station (Pai Tau Street).

Union Hospital Directions by Bus and Mini-bus

More about Union Hospital

Union Hospital is located in Tai Wai, Sha Tin, New Territories.

Developed by the Henderson Group, Union Hospital was established in the year 1994 and became the twelfth private hospital in Hong Kong. It is the first private general hospital in the Eastern New Territories.

The Hospital project is divided into two phases. Phase one has been completed in 1993. It includes a 7-storey main hospital building with 4 ward floors which accommodate 200 beds, a 3-storey Medical Centre, a 24-storey staff quarters as well as an underground carpark with more than 170 spaces. The phase two hospital extension project was completed in 2006.By constructing 4 new floors atop the existing building. An extra 107 beds and more new facilities are provided to cope with the growing demand for the hospital services. The additions include the Minimally Invasive Centre, Day Therapy Centre, Surgical Ward and the 5-star-hotel-like Private Ward.

About Our Funeral Flowers
Thanks to customer support, we now have orders going to all major funeral home every day, therefore we offer Free Shipping to the following funeral parlours (rush orders may not qualify)
Funeral Parlours Info
- Hong Kong Funeral Home
- Kowloon Funeral Parlour
- International Funeral Parlour
- Universal Funeral Parlour
- Grand Peace Funeral Parlour
- Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour
- Po Fook Memorial Hall
Professional Funeral Flower -
Our florist are experienced in western and eastern funeral flower stands, here to assist you with product selection and wordings, please feel free to call us anytime. All wreaths and baskets are made fresh in our workshop, then delivered to funeral homes in Hong Kong.